today, in one of my favorite spots in la, i smiled at the guy who played the nazi sniper in inglourious basterds, and he smiled back. that was a nice moment.

maybe you’ve already met the right person, just at the wrong time?

you always move forward, you never go back, but you recognize sometimes life circles back in the future, and that’s always quietly given you hope for things let go. right now, you’re terrified of letting go of the strongest energy spot you have, but you have to believe that if you let go, you can still come back to it later and it will still be here for you. maybe you’re not ready for it yet. or there’s something else you have to do first, before you can claim it the way you want to claim it.

what if i’m completely wrong? and everything that’s up is down, and left is right. what if everything i’m sure of is exactly what i was never sure of at all?

wow, twice now facebook has crashed when i tried to reply to the same person. the attempts were almost 3 weeks apart. it makes me think i’m not supposed to reply. or, either not with what i’m saying, or not at this time.