mash-up of two of my favorite songs. this song’s dedicated to you.

i grew up using video game logic to shape my understanding of reality.

now, i believe that programming of perspective has helped me maneuver through life. it taught me 1st person omniscience with simultaneous subjective immersion and detached control, and an absolute belief that in any situation, the programmer has implanted a way to succeed. it taught me how to plug into the rhythm and external intelligence of my world.

it taught me how to be detached and involved, be in a world, but also standing above it, analyzing the creators to predict what it is they want me to do.

now, i would like to find a way to put it all together, communicate the perspective.

12 is showing the 9 how to use its past to understand the future.

12 is helping 9 get to 22.

be trustworthy and your people will give you their trust.

the biggest story of the night, those two made free throws. you don’t know how positive of a sign this is. my energies were very collected today. high levels of clarity and focus.

stubbornness is just a symptom. sometimes it’s the sign of someone who fears change. sometimes it’s the by-product of determination + persistence–a will to achieve. i imagine most highly successful people are hard to live with, difficult to leave. we’re like vortexes of power–we believe in things so strongly that they often become real. who doesn’t want to be around someone who seems capable of magic?

you know what my brother’s nickname is for me?

“stubborn girl”

maybe i can’t, as long as i value my freedom first and foremost.

a lot of people want love from me. but i can only give it for a short time, or from a great distance.

one is time, one is space.

how can i change the correlation?

how can i achieve my greatest inspirational potential and also maintain a self-contained and intimate personal life?

scorpio, if you can put down your ego and trust me to lead, you will make me a better leader and you will thrive in your role protecting me. i need you, but only the way it is meant to be.

it’s not always the most vocal people who know best.

vet who you follow.

my pre-game ritual?

i dance.

you must not order the men to sacrifice for you.

they will only sacrifice for you if this has become their instinct.

a general’s job is to cultivate that instinct. a general’s job is to reach deep inside until there is only one voice.

they must believe this is their will. they must believe, in something beyond themselves.

what happens next, depends on the nature of the general.

i was thinking the other night that what i need is a loyal watchdog type. what my leopard used to symbolize for me. every queen must have a trusted man who protects her and carries out her will.
then last night, i dreamed of fighting evil shadow figures alongside snake eyes from gi joe. that was really cool. i had ninja skills just like him, except i could make things happen with just my mind. and we both wear black.

today– 3-6 FG, 2-2 FT for 8 points, 4 rebounds, 6 assists, 2 blocks, 5 fouls for the win. despite…an early shoulder dislocation that popped back in quickly.

most importantly, i played with confidence, showed great leadership and got my teammates involved. and i didn’t let the irritating girl get to me.

our women’s team finally won a game!

i also think this one ref is in love with me. i do flirt with him though. one of the jobs of a team captain is always to get the refs on your side of objectivity… ;)

i can’t wait for my shoulder to get fixed and i can really go after the shotblocking. our center was absent so my teammates wanted me to do the opening tip because i can jump. that was very flattering.