Got the best compliment today. Mom said I looked like that chick from Crouching Tiger. My heart skipped. The young one or the older one? The older one she said. That made my day.

Almost 15 years ago I watched Tomorrow Never Dies and was riveted by Michelle Yeoh. Riveted isn’t even a strong enough word…obsessed with adulation. I declared I wanted to be her, but that wasn’t gonna happen. She was older, but also hot, fit, cool as an assassin, ballsy and aerodynamic. I was chubby, shy and a self-defeatist.

Hearing that comparison really made my day because even though I wanted something at the time that had seemed utterly impossible, 15 years later, I managed to get what I wanted.

The power of belief. You don’t have to be conscious it’s working, but like a journey being made up of a million steps, if you believe, in the background it’s working. You won’t know how well until you get there.


If you’re a train speeding ahead and Indians are shooting arrows at you, you can’t stop and ask them why they shot at you or fight them. You’re a train that’s gotta keeping moving.

I like working with professional companies. I need to know at the very least you won’t fuck me when I’m not looking in battle.

Used car salesmen make me want to eat them.

Get straight up. Pledge allegiance. I’m not perfect but I’m worth it.

Now it’s getting weird. This guy doesn’t talk to me, but keeps endorsing skills to me on Linked In. Is he a robot? Human spambot? As long as he’s not a killer. They freak me out.