11/3 Recap

Did you guys know that November is National Novel Writing Month? I didn’t know that.

I forgot to mention in my last post…Amare Stoudamire. Another one of my favorite players. He’s a monster. And beautiful. I have such a crush on him. He’s probably one of the most fun players to watch in the NBA. Wants to dunk everything. I’d like to petition the NBA that he play shirtless. Oh man…his body is beautiful.

I still can’t believe this election thing. 4 more years of the Anti-Christ.

My boss came up to me this morning and said, “Don’t be so upset about this. Just think, the world is going to be a safer place.” Um…WHAT? Safer place? For whom? I was not being the most rational today. Very irritable over this whole thing. I almost stormed out of the office saying that I was going to quit to dedicate my life to public service. Right after I get done fighting windmills.

Did I mention the Brain Entrainment Device I got last month? It’s this thing that works with biofeedback machines that plays audio/visual frequencies through earphones and eyegear. Obviously, I like to focus on theta waves to enhance psychic ability and creativity, which is something I’ve been working with for years, but never this high tech. Pretty much, you just put on earphones and this thing that looks like a pair of sunglasses, and the machine plays these soundwaves while flashing these lights. Theta waves also enhance lucid dreaming, so the stronger you get at lucid dreaming, the more control you actually have over your mind and ability to project into reality. Pretty cool stuff. Very good for people who have repressed psychological trauma in getting a handle on nightmares and/or anxiety.

Today’s Mood: Fuck Ohio.