Voters of America…I’m Not Done With You Yet.

I’m going to rant one more time about gay marriage. What right do we have, as a collective, to say that two people who love each other and want to commit to a life with one another can not do so? What right do we have to judge something as being morally aberrant just because it doesn’t represent the majority? I thought this country was built upon creating a safe haven for minorities of all types to escape persecution. But no. We’re the worst kinds of people. The kinds who were bullied and cried out in outrage, so we escaped to form our own circle. But rather than using our experiences for healing and expanding our understanding and compassion on the path to empowerment, we “empower” ourselves by excluding others. Some do it because they don’t know better. And the ones who do it despite the fact that they do? NO EXCUSES.

Why is banning gay marriage that different from banning interracial marriages? What restrictions are we allowed to place on who a person loves? Or associates with? None. It makes no sense. To say that honest love and commitment is hurting society makes no sense. They don’t hurt anyone. They only challenge the dogmatic, ignorant ideals of a select few who spout about “values,” which actually means “self-serving hypocrisy.” Fuck you guys and the idiot ass-backwards horse you rode in on.

I’m a straight woman and chances are really good that these laws will never affect my future union(s). But that’s completely irrelevant and a dangerous idea to buy into. It promotes complacency. Whatever a person’s orientation, you have to understand that this issue is everyone’s fight, because it’s about basic human rights and freedoms, and keeping our government in check. We think we’re such an advanced country but refusing to allow gay unions is about as atrocious as refusing blacks the right to vote or the oppression of human rights for the women of Islam. No government should be given free reign to translate bigotry into law. Don’t forget, it really wasn’t that long ago that women weren’t allowed to vote and racial segregation was the name of the game. Fighting bigotry and keeping government in check serves EVERYONE, and turning a blind eye is disastrous for EVERYONE.

People need to look beyond only the things they perceive to directly affect them and understand that everything is interrelated. We need to be vigilant. A loss of human rights for a small group can translate to huge deleterious ramifications down the line as we naively give up our rights to serve the ulterior motives and ignorant views of untrustworthy, self-serving others.

Don’t be fucking idiots. That’s all I’m asking.

A final thought:

As I commented on Whit’s blog today, it’s ironic that homosexuality is deemed deviant in the U.S. when Tuesday just showed us that our country is predominantly made up of motherfuckers.