I went outside to take a picture of a cloud that looked like a winged dragon crossing the sky.

Was surprised to find what else my camera was catching.

A sky on fire. And a giant lightning bolt.
I was just talking about you.

just unreal

Maybe I am a verb. Maybe I run along the Z axis. And the people of X & Y I meet seem to perceive me as being of their world, because I appear 2-dimensional like them, but really, I live on the Z, which is why I can see where they’re coming from, but they have no idea where I’m coming from. But then, upon meeting another being who runs the Z, it gives me proof that our world is just as real as their world.

One of the biggest accomplishments in my life is that in those moments when my mom puts the phone down, and turns to my dad saying, “Jerry, you won’t believe what your daughter’s doing now…,” she’s not saying what I’m thinking about doing; she’s saying what I’ve done. There’s no honor for “thinking about doing.” Only what’s doing or done.

I’m starting to think the problem is that people see themselves as nouns when they should be experiencing themselves as verbs.

I’ve chosen organic lavender, grapefruit and blue chamomile oils as components of Elixr. I chose them specifically for their complementary taste notes as well as for their homeopathic qualities.

The Real Elixr
For when the world is ready

(left to right) Cinnamon, Vanilla, Chili, Lavender
Vodka Infusions