in the last few months i’ve come to understand i am awkward in human connections. it’s an underlying feeling whether or not it is obvious to people. i don’t go out and overtly seek connections, but the ones who make me feel comfortable enough to want to connect, i leave a door open. it is the best i can do and still be me.

if you approach me in a way that shows you genuinely have a connection with me, you will find more than you expected. if you approach me out of suspicious intrigue and prod me with pinpoints, you will find less than you expected. i believe you and i both ultimately want more.

this gray force in seattle is formidable. these people..their eyes. sometimes you see a spark of recognition, sometimes they’re just as expansively blank as the sky.

no i…just wanna taste you, love

it’s been a long time since i’ve been able to really sleep.

last night’s echo.

october 29, 2009. thursday. this will be a window to let go of anything that does not belong in your life.

be willing to confront truths on this day. it is a good day to untangle baggage and let things go. november will be a time to travel light and travel true.

the heart always knows the truth.

we are the ones who trick ourselves with illusions when we fear.

fear has always been terrible at making good decisions.

life is the sum of your decisions.

make them add up to something you truly want.

the weak know how to give up.

the strong know how to let go.