Had a dream I was at Whitney’s house. Her roommate was also there. It was a happy time, and I think we were talking about some creative idea, but then I started noticing big spiders on the wall. They weren’t the type I’m particularly afraid of, but the smallest being daddy long legs and the biggest being like spindly black-blue-green crabs. I kept trying to ignore it to be polite, but my panic rose when I saw one near my foot on the carpet. Finally, I yelled that their house was full of spiders, and they started catching them, killing them.


And look…another fire extinguisher.

There’s this beady-eyed blond guy sitting in the corner staring. I didn’t get a good look because his back is against the window. Then the wind blew the doors open and as he turned to look, I looked at him, caught his profile in the light. He was actually a really angular woman with short feathered hair.

Have a deep cleansing moment. Contemplate.

These are substantial discrepancies in perception. It changes in ripples of light, sound and intention. Our connection to this world is an illusion of constance. But look someone in the eye, catch their tail, and everything suddenly stands still.

There’s less barrier than we think. Just massive unawareness as the rift, even between a person and his shadow.

Children…wake up.
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Whenever I go out, if they don’t have Guinness I get a Manny’s. Learning that I’d been calling someone a pet name instead of his real name without realizing it surprised me. I’m usually more aware. But what if it’s about the word? A symbol charged with power?

When I’m in a bar and I look over and see Manny’s on tap, I think of a man who can drink enough to poison a bull and still wake up and go to work the next morning. I don’t know if he is stupidly dangerous or dangerously stupid but at least in one realm, he’s rockin’ it. I will say this–his liver can be the patron saint of mine. Cheers, Manny. The man(?) The word. The myth.
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I walked by and I heard a basketball announcer talking about a 2 point shot for Phoenix. Heart did a happy flip. I haven’t watched a single playoff game. Went in, gasped in surprise. It was the first place I ever went to in Seattle, where the old man tried to fight someone to defend my honor. So happy right now.
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You wouldn’t approach a beast in the jungle while it’s eating. So why do men try to approach a girl while she’s eating? 6 people got ignored today because I was busy.
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At my waterfall garden. Haven’t been here in a long time. I remember sitting here with Steve after getting hit by the bike. I never answered his question, if he could have a cup of coffee with me. We talked about the mysterious pathways of life. Why one stranger instead of another, why now? He told me he’s lived an amazing life. When we parted he said he was going to buy a notebook. He already had a pen on him. I said we’d find each other again if we needed to. I remember being triple careful about not being followed home that night. My leg started trembling as soon as I walked in the door. Collapsed, now that I didn’t have to hold it together for anyone.
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One of my favorite songs.

All and all the world is small enough for both of us
To meet upon the interstate waiting on a train

A stranger’s light comes on slowly
A stranger’s heart without a home
You put your hands into your head
And then smiles cover your heart

Fade into you
Strange you never knew
Fade into you
I think it’s strange you never knew

Hey! Today’s Google theme is Hubble!

Playlist on random. First song…Transatlanticism.

Funny. Curtis happens to wake up in the night, sees my post and sends me a sandwich.

ahahahaha. deviously happy today.

I’m just kidding. Go make me a sandwich.

I will fuck you in your ear if you get in my way.

I will fuck a hole in the sky.

Curiosity of the night. The bald guys were lovin’ me.

Women want to be a man’s first love. Men want to be a woman’s last romance.

It’s the bubble.

Please don’t tell me about sex with other girls. There’s no point.
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Oh blasted! Men are so weak. He came back. Thought dumb bitch sex was better than no sex. Too bad.
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Good fish. He left alone. I’m proud.
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