
Ran into fellow Gemini Marc when I went to LA in January to clean up my place.

At the same time, also ran into an old coworker. The one who told me he loved me when I’d left. It was a day full of random encounters.

Later that night, Marc wrote on my Facebook:

Random encounters with flounders.

I wrote back:

Female who can breathe underwater seeking fish who can breathe on land.

I just looked up that exchange because the post below about teaching a fish to fly made me think of it.

I don’t think anyone gets up in the morning and thinks, “Today I might use the word ‘rearing’ in casual conversation.”

My defense is either the potato bug defense if I don’t want to hurt you, or a blitzing flurry offense.

status of the zoo:

the panther got loose. i’m pretty sure she either fucked or ate something. no one knows which because we were all too afraid to follow her.

the monkeys formed a union and have “quit,” whatever that means. like fine then. where’re you gonna go? how do you quit a zoo?

the birds, all of them, are constipated; they seem really confused by the last batch of erratic weather

and the penguins have learned how to use computers.

perhaps that last point was the one i should have led with.

why such a rebound in personality, j? did the moon split you up?

in a moment, everything can change.

watch the red queen. here we go now…watch the red queen.

here we go audience, we have to find a bigger venue. i’ve got less than a week to prepare if i’m gonna work a room. what would i like to do to get the rawest parts of everyone in the room involved. i’ve gotta get the rawest places of me involved.

for one night only, what would people like to see?

I am not afraid to hit a man who is grossly out of line, but I won’t hit a woman. I am simultaneously cautious of them, as I find them erratic, as I also feel it is a disadvantage of my strength to hit a woman.

This alarm scares me. It ticks like a time bomb and it doesn’t just ding, it dings like an old school rattle-your-teeth alarm clock. The good news is I can melt out the ticking with music. It becomes a metronome. But when it hits zero, there’s no way to turn it off. You have to let the alarm play out. So what’s happened here today, is like a writer’s version of Speed. I have to keep turning that clock back from zero, and I have to keep working.

I’m stressed.

But it’s a good stress. A gettin’ shit done, stress.

Why am I so afraid of people who bargain with sex?

Perhaps because if I am believing in them, then I am becoming one of them, too.

Teaching a fish to fly is much harder than teaching a butterfly to breathe underwater.
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Things can change in a moment.
People can change in a moment.
Reality can change in a moment.
Define moment

Everything in life is a spectrum. It’s all a matter of degrees.
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I hate that alarm.

Round 2.


It has come to me wearing a kitchen timer around my neck to get me stressed enough to focus. The ticking is terrifying.

I used to make Brian laugh until he was doubled over, crying. He used to do the same to me. I love being able to laugh and make people laugh in such a powerful way, it causes your mind to convince your body it’s being tickled vehemently.

At Cecilia’s birthday party on Saturday, we were talking about how Haley and Christian look alike. Haley said they were on a boat trip in Malaysia with a couple of gay French guys on their honeymoon, and later they asked if Haley and Christian were brother and sister. Haley thought it was funny because they’d been making out in the water just a few minutes before the question was asked.

Just like dogs with owners, sometimes couples start looking like each other if they’ve been dating for a while.

Christian suggested a brother and sister role play might be fun. We all laughed about Flowers in the Attic. Haley was adamant about the idea.

“Why not?” he asked. “It could be fun.”

“Because NOTHING good could come out if it.”

I like this girl. I can tell wherever she is, people have fun.

From Colin today. We’re still waiting for Lauren (aka Hooch) to weigh in:

Colin: Economic stimulous package?? This little vignette was at a vintage shop downtown in an old fire station right off skid row…so all things considered, the context was appropriate

Julia: I call dibs on the hatchet!

Colin: I like the rusty sheers myself…more options

Brian: I like that big dull knife on the left. More painful…

Julia: Colin, is this a secret personality test? Looks pretty accurate. We should invite Hooch to sound off. My guess–she’s the book.

Brian: Genius, Julia. Genius.

Julia: Brian, I’m not convinced that dull knife of yours isn’t a spatula.

Hooch: the book is probably the only thing i wouldn’t hurt myself with in the process…book it is.

Colin: I know why we’re all friends…

Julia: Cheers! Miss you guys.

Response from Ruth:

“you should ask jessica about a man named hussein”


It started…with a man named Hussein…

Ruth and Jessica are in the Arabic Studies program at the U. of Washington. I would prefer a current or former linebacker (my friend who was an athletics trainer at UConn told me it’s always the big guys who are most loyal, and that’s what I’ve found as well). What are the chances they introduce a big Egyptian guy named Ali?