Just did my 750 words. My rating has been upgraded to a PG-13 for sexual content. Yay! Though I don’t know where the sexual content is. I looked back and there wasn’t anything. But maybe the system just knows…

I wrote 754 words in 8 minutes, typing 108 wpm. Thematically, I was most concerned with eating/drinking. While spewing ambiguous sexual content.

Yeah, sounds about right.

Got an MRI tonight and when I pointed out to the technician where it was hurting, he said it was where my quad connects. I’m hoping I just pulled it or got a minor tear, and the other issues are just tracking problems. I know I have an imbalance where my quads are strong but my hamstrings weak. It’s because I’m lazy with hamstrings. I promise that if there’s no serious damage requiring surgery and just an issue of rest and physical therapy to work out muscular imbalances, I will work really hard at them.

Looked out the window this morning (yes, I said morning. I was up at the buttcrack of 9:20am trying to get an appt for my knee), I saw the first cruise ship of the season outside. Ah, that brings back memories.