See you on the other side.
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You might have experienced what you thought was a tiger but it’s nothing when the dragon awoke. It could be the biggest hole in the sky.

I’m in position. I am going to kill this place.
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It comes down to this. I believed he existed. I put my life on faith he existed. And when I meet these boys, they know right away what I am. But I can tell by the state of their lives when I find them they didn’t believe that I existed. They gave up. I want the boy who never lost faith.

It’s that simple.
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What makes you think a man that strong exists?

I don’t. I just assume he has to because I am that strong. And I can’t imagine I could have been born without a home.
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it’s too late to change your mind
you let loss
be your guide.

I finished the Orange Girl. It brought immense beauty into my life when I needed it most and I’m grateful. I wish the narrator was more kind to his mother though.

You wouldn’t believe it. As I walked with him today, bad news hovering over like threatening clouds, there was a dead squirrel on the sidewalk. We had to walk around it.

If there was any omen as ominous as a dead dove…

I’m sorry to tell you that. But perhaps to life’s fairytale, this is but another chapter.

I got my heart broken again.

One of the first things they test you on is if you can execute.

I saw on Aubrey’s page he wrote, Big things happen gradually.

I wrote, Small things happen eventually.

It made me think about how sometimes things are small only because they’re in the distance.

Brian and I were texting on Saturday. He knew I was feeling down. (He, on the other hand, woke up at 5am passed out in his clothes on his couch). He puts a spin on life for me that is both big brotherly, and completely irreverent. Whichever twin is drowning, the other one will save it. We are so good, and we are so bad.

I said, Let’s go to Hawaii.

He said, Fuck Hawaii. Let’s move to Mexico.

I said, I’ll start brushing up on my Mexican.

He said, I’d rather be brushing up on some Mexicans right now.

I said, Go to the flea market.

He said, No, no no. Not those kinds of Mexicans. Hot, rich Mexico City Mexicans.

So 10 minutes later, Sebastian, the Microsoft engineer from Mexico texts. After our mysterious meeting and my going underground after he calls me dangerous, I finally feel like it’s time to have our coffee discussion. I texted him when I got back from Fremont, on April 22 which was quite the electric day, to see how life was treating him. He said he was good and leaving for vacation but he wanted to meet up when he got back.

He was texting to say he was back and asking when I was available.

I wrote to Brian that on command, I got a Mexico City boy on the line.

When we go to gay bars together, guys always give me their number, and I never understand why. Sometimes I wonder if because we’re so close, some of Brian’s wishes fall into my life.


is perfect

i will fuck people up and down and sideways without even touching them

and people say, i know, you’ve done it to me.

and i say, i haven’t done anything to anyone yet.

warned of skunk on collision course
planets in collision
should not affect weight unless attention to body is distracted
don’t like it when people make me vomit secrets because i don’t know what it means
increased loss of breath breathing underwater
what the hell was that thing that went by in the sky, leaving a trail of copper?

he has no choice. he already set it up that way. he thought he needed it this way.

three345 =


She told me that she is looking for the opportunity for me to introduce myself. She’s very curious about me as well.

And I have to go about it peacefully.

And if it’s a dragon?

We’ll go about it peacefully.

I hate it when people don’t confirm information accurately. It makes it harder for me

But I know how to work with triangles to look behind the curtains, once in a while.

My bottom line:

Everything, means the same thing for me.

The rest, is just details.

Let me have domain between the two.

Regarding this situation you have me in,

I’m going to follow the flow.

i sense i have work to do.

full moon and i have things to tao ren.
today, i wish for tribunal
i will not be the last star standing
if you keep breaking my heart.
when does the training stop
and i can finally realize the warrior.

i taste like the sea. i taste like tears cried in secrecy. i taste like hiding where everyone can see.

i taste like things you will never be.

We may race and we may run
We’ll not undo what has been done
Or change the moment when it’s gone