I found a million different ways to be scared so I could know what it felt like. Lived with men who kill you just to heal you just to kill you a little more each day. Always believed none of it was me unless I let it into me. Always believed I was bigger. Learned to open my eyes wider. I’m careful what I let into me.

I know how quickly and definitely I can cut connections. It’s the way I disappear. Because I know that, I know that’s it’s a possibility that could happen to me. As much as I understand it, that it’s something that comes from need, I still don’t want to be left dangling by it.
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For no explicable reason, I decided I wanted a bodyguard. He had to be big, he had to be black and he had to wear a suit. He had to not speak unless spoken to. He had to be honorable.

So of course I’m at the University of Washington, casing the place for black dudes.
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He’s the one
Who likes all our pretty songs
And he likes to sing along
And he likes to shoot his gun
But he don’t know what it means…

Oh! People getting called out over the airwaves today.

Today is my Sunday. Just watching it all with a big smile.
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No way. I’m sitting here waiting to make a turn down Olive and old, black guy with white hair driving a yellow school bus turns. On the side, Curtis Transportation.

I was waiting to get to where I was going to write about how when I was talking to Curtis.2, the more primitive and less refined Curtis, at the gym in Seattle, he was telling me about Costa Rica when all I can do is dream of Hawaii.
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Well that is that and this is this.
Will you tell me what you saw and I’ll tell you what you missed,
when the ocean met the sky.

-Modest Mouse

Results Team 3 and Team 9:

Team 3 Conjuncts:

Mars Scorpio 19°56′48
Saturn Scorpio 16°23′03


(near conjunct)
Sun Pisces 4°58′59
Mercury Aquarius 24°14′28

Team 9 Conjuncts:

Sun Gemini 23°13′47
Mercury Gemini 23°26′29


Mars Virgo 0°18′12
Saturn Leo 25°45′52

Team 3 and 9 start with very similar dominant conjunctions that appear to reflect each other. Both feature 2 conjunctions between the same planets, with one of the conjunctions spanning 2 Fraternal signs. In addition, the conjunctions spanning fraternal signs are also in opposition of each other.

Team 9 Uranus Scorpio 12°52′07 Conjuncts Team 3 Mars Scorpio 19°56′48/Saturn Scorpio 16°23′0, electrifying defense mechanisms with excitement and unpredictability–a lightning storm. Team 9 Mars/Saturn conjunction reflects Team 3 Mars/Saturn conjunction–mutual respect for use of ambition, energy, discipline and restraint.

Team 3 Pluto Scorpio 2°00′57 is highly-trained satellite watchman/assassin bearing the duty of protecting inner realm. He is the most deadly placement. Pluto Scorpio 2°00′57 is either holding Venus Aquarius 6°25′33 captive or she truly believes his outlook. Potential Stockholm Syndrome. Team 9, by prophecy approaches the inner realm with Mars Virgo 0°18′12, who has been spiritwalking in solitude. No Scorpio Pluto can ever resist a virgin. Mars Virgo 0°18′12 connects to Pluto Scorpio 2°00′5 and neutralizes.

Team 9 near-exact conjunction of Sun Gemini 23°13′47 and Mercury Gemini 23°26′29 creates out-of-this-world sentience with its placement in Team 9’s 11th house, ruled by Aquarius. Team 3 near-conjunct Sun Pisces 4°58′59/Mercury Aquarius 24°14′28 favors Aquarius, forward consciousness. The two meet and recognize each other as brothers-in-arms, despite being foreign to each other. They carry the same emblem. Sun Gemini 23°13′47/Mercury Gemini 23°26′29 magnetizes with Team 3’s Mercury Aquarius 24°14′28, creates a synergistic conscious entity with its own orbit. Team 3 and Team 9 create common mental/perceptive plane. It’s own world/universe, so to speak.

Team 3 Sun Pisces 4°58′59, by law of degrees, can reach as far as Sun Aquarius 24°58′59 a near conjunction with Team 9’s head of Sun Gemini 23°13′47/ Mercury Gemini 23°26′29.

There still appears to be a less than 2 degree gap. This is what’s preventing this from breaking the atmosphere.

Bridge of 2 degrees needed.

[*Placements must be no more than 10 degrees either way to influence each other]

Today Seattle is like September in San Francisco.
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This lady just said, “I’m slow on the uptake but I usually get it. I had older brothers who made fun of me so I always just put up that I didn’t get anything.”

Insight into little sibling mentality.
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No matter how mad people get at each other, they shouldn’t threaten each other.
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First, a break from our sponsor:

Gerard Butler seems like he’d be very annoying.

Start of engagement 4.29.21 12:24AM

Team 3

Sun Pisces 4°58’59
Mercury Aquarius 24°14’28
Venus Aquarius 6°25’33
Mars Scorpio 19°56’48
Saturn Scorpio 16°23’03
Pluto Scorpio 2°00’57

Team 9

Sun Gemini 23°13’47
Mercury Gemini 23°26’29
Mars Virgo 0°18’12
Saturn Leo 25°45’52
Uranus Scorpio 12°52’07

Focal Point:

Sun conjunct Mercury
Sun conjunct Venus

Pluto opposes Sun/Mercury/Venus

Jupiter/Saturn in balance

Sun Aries 29°06’23
Moon Scorpio 7°27’15
Mercury Aries 23°50’28
Venus Taurus 2°16’09
Mars Libra 10°07’30
Jupiter Libra 9°29’48
Saturn Libra 6°04’28
Uranus Scorpio 28°06’01
Neptune Sagittarius 23°53’44
Pluto Libra 22°58’12
True Node Leo 7°07’07

the more stable i am on this side, the more unstable i am on the other.

you must enjoy watching the sides of me clash. once you realized it was just weather.

Everything I say is just observation or opinion. When you really look at it, I seem completely unfamiliar with facts. But that begs the question then. What are facts?

Oh no, she’s in the corner and appears to be contemplating. What happened, Shih? Uh huh, speak up…no I can’t hear you when you whisper…Look. you don’t have to understand the computers. Make it up later. I know you’re not technical, just…get back into your pod and output.

If he feels something doesn’t matter, he thinks it shouldn’t matter. And even if it matters to you, he can’t feel it because he can’t see it.

Young Grasshoppers. Snack on that until it becomes clear. This is some knowledge about one of the ways you drive good women crazy.

Oooh…the file has been opened!

Ladies and Gentlemen. The File. Has. Been. Opened.

Hmmm. I would be asking myself to dance in front of an audience.

last time i considered these two people, was exactly the full moon last month.

My point is I don’t feel you really understand me, and you don’t see why it should matter. There’s a lot worth considering.